Larry Silverstein's Towers
I spent a good deal of time today looking over the latest news, especially concentrating on the seven 'home grown' terrorists story where the Sears Tower was supposedly the target of another al Qaida attack on the American Way. Sickened by the fact that Larry Silverstein is again the owner of the Tower (this time only one), I decided that things have gotten out of hand.
Larry Silverstein with his Twin Towers behind him
Not only do the New World Order cruds shit on us, now they are rubbing it in our faces. I do not believe that one rubs shit in the face of someone that they think can fight back, so I assume that the NWO cruds are convinced that they have us so well locked up that we are not able to do a thing about it. In a recent survey on CNN 84% said that they believe the US government had, at the very least, prior knowledge of the attacks. So why then do the NWO cruds not stop with their charade? I mean, the cat is out of the bag!
NWO organization chart: View image
The question is now, how do we take the power back from the control of the mad men who have been, thus far, successful in taking control around the world. According to the 'Commander in Chief', "our progress is incremental." Yes, like the warming of the water in the pot where you intend to boil your frog. The frog loves the nice warm feeling but as the heat raises, he finds he is no longer able to jump out! Is it the right moment to jump out or shall we enjoy the nice warmth of our false security for just a bit more?
I do not propose a popular revolt, nor do I think such a move would be successful. The weapons are in the hands of the cruds. Yes, even our National Guard has been commandeered by the Feds so the States' have no militia to speak of. They were sent to Iraq with their equipment and those who have returned have been disarmed and the Pentagon is not acting to re-arm them any time soon. The States' National Guards and the returning Guards' units are being redeployed to the Mexican border to work under the Department of Homeland Security so as to secure the border from illegally fleeing Americans - oops, I mean, illegal aliens.
So, our options are few: protests in iron cages in 'free speech zones' or, like the French Revolution's 'Saboteur', start throwing clogs into the wheels of the machine.
There is also the possibility that one or more of our more patriotic generals does a Marcus Brutus act and subsequently exclaims "People of Rome, we are once again free!"
I would like to be appointed head of the commission to deal with the crud. I would round up the remaining crud and stick them all in Guantanamo. I would hire the Taleban as prison guards so as to make sure that these bad boys and girls didn't get their drug supplies and we can finally benefit from all the money that the US taxpayers have given the Taleban over the years to 'fight the drug trade in Afganistan'. So, break the habit now cruds or you will really suffer under the soaring heat in Guantanamo.
I myself am quite content to sit here in the cool of the office and put words into electronic digits in hopes of informing interested spirits of the perils we face.