Marijuana Smokers - UCLA Study
Good news for smokers - marijuana smokers - that is!
Marijuana smoking does not cause lung cancer and even protects the lung from that scourge.
Senior researcher, Donald Tashkin, M.D., Professor of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in Los Angeles says the findings were a surprise as they expected to find that a history of heavy marijuana use would increase the risk of cancer from several years to decades after exposure to marijuana. "We expected that we would find that a history of heavy marijuana use – more than 500-1,000 uses - would increase the risk of cancer from several years to decades after exposure to marijuana", said Dr Donald Tashkin, who led the study. However, the team surprisingly found no link between use of marijuana and cancers. "We know that there are as many or more carcinogens and co-carcinogens in marijuana smoke as in cigarettes. But we did not find any evidence for an increase in cancer risk for even heavy marijuana smoking."
US Tobacco is Radioactive
I'm not surprised about the findings as I am convinced that the tobacco grown in the USA is full of radiation and therefore causes cancer of the lungs. Not only am I convinced but the Surgeon General stated on national television in 1990 that tobacco radiation is probably responsible for 90% of tobacco-related cancer. Dr RT Ravenholt, former director of World Health Surveys at the Centers for Disease Control, has stated that "Americans are exposed to far more radiation from tobacco smoke than from any other source."
There are two reasons for the tobacco grown in the USA is full of radiation. One is the fact that the major source of this radiation is phosphate fertilizer. The big tobacco companies all use chemical phosphate fertilizer, which is high in radioactive metals, year after year on the same soil. These metals build up in the soil, attach themselves to the resinous tobacco leaf and ride tobacco trichomes in tobacco smoke, gathering in small "hot spots" in the small-air passageways of the lungs. Tobacco is especially effective at absorbing radioactive elements from phosphate fertilizers, and also from naturally occurring radiation in the soil, air, and water.
The second reason is US tobacco is being grown on nuclear contaminated soil.
In a 1983 letter from the state of Tennessee to Oak Ridge officials, White Oak Lake is described as "the most radioactive lake in the country." The state asserted in its letter that the use of White Oak Lake as a settling basin for contaminants was unacceptable, and noted that the Clinch River acted as a pipeline for contaminants from White Oak Creek into the Watts Bar, Reservoir. White Oak Lake continues to be used as a settling basin for contaminants from the White Oak watershed. Take a look at a map and see where tobacco is grown and you will see that the highly contaminated Oak Ridge area is up wind from the main tobacco growing regions, which consequently are down wind and receive ground water from the mountains of Tennessee.
Here is a report of one of the many covered up nuclear reactor accident at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and a link to an interesting article about other nuclear waste problems there.
Why is it that the US population suffers more lung cancer deaths than other countries? For example, Hungary has more active smokers than anywhere else in the world and has half the lung cancer than the US. They have more doctors per capita and their reporting is excellent. Japan, China and Greece are up there as well and their statistics are very low. (Japan did not grow tobacco on its soil until 1989 which saved them from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki fallout from the WW II bombings.)
The Oxford Atlas of the World, ISBN 0-19-520955-9, published in 1992, gives figures for cigarette consumption in different countries during the time period 1986-1988. The figures are in annual consumption of cigarettes per capita.
Operation Smoke Screen
Some readers may remember the first TV warnings in the 1950's of cigarettes causing cancer. The person who did the advertisements for the American Cancer Society was the famous actor, John Wayne. He said he had lung cancer due to smoking. However, it turned out that he actually contacted his cancer filming a movie on radioactive contaminated soil. Of the 220 persons who worked on The Conqueror on location in Utah in 1955, 91 had contracted cancer as of the early 1980s and 46 died of it, including stars John Wayne, Susan Hayward, and Agnes Moorehead, and director Dick Powell.
Check out one of these ventage ACS commercials by John Wayne.
The actors and crew were exposed to radioactive fallout from U.S. atom bomb tests in the area, no doubt, inhaling a fair amount of it in the process, and they later shipped 60 tons of hot dirt back to Hollywood to use on a set for retakes, thus making things even worse.
So who is fooling who? Why do the deaths from lung cancer keep increasing in the US when per capita consumption of tobacco has been declining over the past 25 years? Their song and dance now is that there is a very long incubation period and, passive smoking is used to explain the non smokers lung cancer. That means that people who don't smoke can be added to the statistics of tobacco related deaths. The cause of the raising cancer in the US is due to pollution by irresponsible corporations and covered up by a corrupt government.
Your best bet then, taking into account the latest news, is switching to marijuana for your smoking pleasure - that is if you are not already a healthy and happy user! But remember, organic is the only way to grow your own. And for you nicotine addicts, you can order non US brands over the internet or grow your own tobacco. It is easy and fun.